Magnolia Project: A story of thanks

20131113_135109A young woman, homeless and facing many challenges, was provided information and transportation to the Magnolia Project by an enrolled Magnolia participant. After arriving, the young woman began to tell her story –- she recently delivered a newborn that was premature, had no baby items and was in need of a car seat to bring the baby home from the hospital.

After she completed telling her story to the Women’s Intervention Specialist, Alicia King, several participants entered the conference room to participant in the daily Life Course Group activity. Keeping the participant in need anonymous during the group, Ms. King asked the group if anyone had an extra infant car seat. After hearing the woman’s story, the women participating in the group activity rallied around her and began an most amazing show of support without being asked to do so.

One of the participants went into the Magnolia lobby and advocated for baby items from other women waiting in the lobby for appointments. Another participant began to make telephone calls to the Little Miracles program for assistance. One posted the need for baby items on Facebook and another participant called a local daycare for assistance. After receiving many needed items, the young woman was able to meet and thank everyone that had helped.

Interested in helping out our families in need? Find out what is on the Coalition’s wishlist this year.