Magnolia Project combats postpartum depression through Mothers and Babies course

IMG_20150113_125527Although each group of new moms that completes the Magnolia Project’s Mothers and Babies Course is different, there is one common theme: “I want to be a good mother.”

The Magnolia Project began implementing the Mothers and Babies Course, developed by Dr. Darius Tandon, in October. The six-week course is designed to help moms and/or moms-to be to take a look at how mood and personal reality are influenced by activities, thoughts and contact with others.

IMG_1206The goal of the curriculum is to prevent postpartum depression or reduce the level of intensity of negative feelings and emotions around pregnancy or motherhood.  Twenty of thirty participants have completed the class to date and 15 are currently enrolled in two ongoing classes at the Magnolia Project and Gateway Community Services.

The level of engagement has been refreshing and the participants are open to exploring how activities, thoughts, and contact with others are contributing to their mood. Graduates of the Mothers and Babies course acknowledged that they are more engaged with their babies and can see the course coming to life as they intentionally practice the bonding techniques learned in the class.    The participants have been observed being active listeners, providing appropriate support to each other and embracing the experience of motherhood.

In the words of a participant, “I wish this class was twice a week.”