What’s your role? Teen Ambassadors Hasani and Dereamius

NIMAM_LOGO_FINALHasani Davis and Dereamius Townsend-Foster are members of the first class of 4Me Teen Health Project Teen Ambassadors. They graduated the 4Me teen education series and completed a six-month Teen Leadership Council at their sites. They have spent the last year participating in regional activities, skillbuilding and  developing into peer educators. They share their role in preventing infant mortality:

DereamiusDereamius: My role as a Teen Ambassador is to influence my peers in a positive way. I serve as a role model to all and help bring attention to social problems such as unsafe sex. #2- I chose to be apart of this program to better myself as an individual to give back to my community.

Dereamius and Hasani will join four other Teen Ambassadors today for their graduation celebration. The Ambassadors have attended Florida Children’s Week in Tallahassee, participated in clean-ups across the region, walked in the 2014 March for Babies, worked on updating a teen resource guide and more since last September. 

Hasani Teen Ambassador

Hasani: An ambassador leader is a person who is responsible and that takes courage. A lot of teenagers everyday are catching diseases and dying because they are not using condoms. As a teen ambassador leader, I choose not to engage in sex until marriage.