
Governor Rick Scott agrees to Medicaid Program expansion

In a move that promises to significantly expand access to health care for women of childbearing age, Governor Rick Scott agreed to extend Medicaid benefits to more than 900,000 Florida…

Pew report shows benefits of early childhood home visits

The Pew report “Solving Social Ills Through Early Childhood Home Visiting” found early childhood home visiting programs can not only improve the lives of children and their families, but also…

MCHB Webinar: Moving Beyond Back to Sleep to Safe to Sleep

The Maternal and Child Health Bureau is hosting a webcast called, “Moving Beyond Back to Sleep to Safe to Sleep”. The webcast will be focused on the national “Safe to…

CDC Grand Rounds Topic for March is Teen Pregnancy

Each month the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hosts a Public Health Grand Round webcast focused on a particular health topic. The health issue topic for next month is…

BrdsNBz NE Florida off to strong start

Relationships, contraception, HIV — Northeast Florida teens had a variety of sexual health questions for the new BrdsNBz text message line that launched January 15. Initial results show that BrdsNBz…

Jacksonville Metropolitan Community Benefit Partnership releases Health Needs Assessment

The Jacksonville Metropolitan Community Benefit Partnership‘s 2012 Community Health Needs Assessment for the Jacksonville Metropolitan Area report was released this week. The Partnership identified infant mortality as a top priority…

Medication and pregnancy, what is safe?

A Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety report found that most websites on the internet post inaccurate lists of medications said to be safe for pregnant women. The list of medications are…

Study shows air pollution linked to high risk of infant mortality

The Environmental Health Perspectives journal published a study in which researchers found areas with higher levels of air pollution had more babies born with low birth weights. Although it is…

FOCEP Childbirth Educator Training Registration Open

The Florida Outreach Childbirth Education & Parenting Program will be holding it’s next Childbirth Educator Training session Feb. 25- March 1 in Gainesville, Florida. The training program is taught by…

JAMA Study finds possible link of folic acid to autism prevention

The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study today showing a possible linkage of folic acid sufficiency in pregnant women to the prevention of autism. The data, taken from…