
Duval County Health Department receives grant to reach youth with sexual health and preconception health messages

The Duval County Health Department’s Maternal and Child Health Division received a grant from Every Woman Southeast to increase knowledge of reproductive health and reduce STD and teen pregnancy rates…

Time parents spend with teens linked to mental health, new study finds

The time that parents, particularly fathers, spend with their teens is important to mental health, according to a new study. Home and phone interviews were done with 200 families over a seven-year period. Questions…

October: National SIDS Awareness Month

October is dedicated to bringing awareness to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. SIDS and other sleep-related deaths are a leading cause of post-neonatal mortality across the country but can be significantly reduced with education and awareness campaigns.

FIMR findings, recommendations to be released October 18

The Fetal and Infant Mortality Review findings and recommendations will be released at the October 18 Coalition meeting.

Child Health Day 2012

The first Monday in October is recognized as Child Health Day, an observance day intended to put the focus on the importance on healthy children. “On Child Health Day, we are reminded…

Make a Difference! Leadership Academy graduates its second class

The Coalition’s Make a Difference! Leadership Academy graduated its second class of thirteen students yesterday. The Academy aims to train community leaders to understand the community’s impact on its residents…

Coalition receives PREP grant to expand Teen Health Project

The Healthy Start Coalition received funding to expand the 4Me Teen Health Project in Northeast Florida. The three-year funding is through the teen pregnancy prevention-focused Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) grant from the…

Baptist Health participates in quality initiative aimed at reducing early elective deliveries

Baptist Health joined 29 health care organizations from around the state in a kick-off meeting Monday on a new quality initiative aimed at reducing early elective deliveries. Sponsored by the…

St. Vincent’s Southside submits Letter of Intent to become Baby Friendly

“For others interested in the process, I would suggest: gather information, look around you carefully, then begin from where you are.” -Jean Macomber, RN, IBCLC St. Vincent’s Medical Center —…

Coalition Hosts First ‘Pregnancy Basics’ Training

The Northeast Florida Health Start Coalition hosted its first pregnancy basics training  yesterday, held in partnership with the Jacksonville Children’s Commission. Over 50 people attended the training, held for paraprofessionals…